The Adams Street Fire
A fire on the morning of June 19, 2024 completely destroyed the building that housed the “Pillsburied“ exhibit at 413 Adams Street in Springfield. The exhibit included all of the historical artifacts that were recovered over the past two years from the Pillsbury factory, as well as numerous pieces of art fashioned from material salvaged from the factory. Three tons of artifacts and art were lost or damaged in the fire. All of it was irreplaceable.
Aside from the historical artifacts, this particular exhibit featured principally the work of Mazrim and the graffiti artist known as “Shock“. Also lost in the fire were historical documents and records from the factory, as well as new artwork that was recently brought to the building for a planned reopening of the exhibit.
At first, we assumed the exhibit was a total loss, but after the ruins cooled, we were allowed access to the floor on which the exhibits were installed. Although most of the material was lost to fire, structural collapse, or water damage, after five days of sifting through the rubble we were able to salvage about 30% of the artifacts and artwork. Some were smoke-damaged and some were remarkably intact, including a Pillsbury-brand cupcake baked for the show three months earlier.
The objects salvaged from the fire were cleaned and exhibited in the SAA exhibit two months later. Never say die.